... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Thursday, June 02, 2011

What I Know for Sure

not much.....
Ok, maybe I've learned  a few things in the last decade.
1) Life is hard, but God is good.
2) Choosing love isn't easy, but it's worth it. Sometimes it's really hard, and may not seem worth it, but it is.
3) That guy who offers to carpool to work with you should be deeply committed to his wife or you should say "no."
4) If you base your value on validation of any kind from anyone other God you're gonna end up disappointed.
5) Women who bash men, even subtly, will stay single a lot longer than they probably want to.
6) Married people who look online at anyone else in whatever way for whatever reason, wound their spouses in the most devastating way. And, their spouses know.... in their guts, they know.  And if you think they'll never find out,  you're wrong.
7) Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
8) It's worth it to figure out how the people you love feel loved and then do those things.
9) You find out what you're capable of surviving when you think you can't survive what you're facing.
10) God still allows miracles. We should pay better attention to noticing them.
11) Children have a great way of putting things in better perspective, and it's not just because their eyesight is better.
12) Teenagers, when given the chance, are wise and wonderful, while uncertain and longing for direction.
13) Being authentic is not always popular, but it's the only way I'm willing to live.
14) Who you are and what you do when you think no one is watching is who you really are.
15) Trusting God is harder than it should be, until it becomes more simple than you ever thought it could be.
16) Friends who are offended and don't forgive when forgiveness is truly sought are not really friends and probably never were.
17) Sometimes change that is forced up on you ends up being the best thing that could happen.
18) Pursuing excellence is different than being perfect.
19) Silence can be unbelievably loud.
20) Prayer makes a difference. Always. Even when we can't see it.

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