... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

My new favorite...

I think I have a new favorite film: Strictly Ballroom. It was recommended in a book I've been studying to use for the retreat. After being unsuccessful at one video store, I finally got a copy of it today and have watched it twice. Once to "feel" the movie; the second time to probe the thinking contained in it.

Oddly enough it's another book I've been reading in preparation for speaking (Angela Thomas' Do you Think I'm Beautiful ?), in addition to this film, that has caused the "aha" moment of the day. Thomas says in her book that God is inviting us to the dance of our lives. Me, the wallflower- the one who longs to dance, but knows no one will ask; the girl with two left feet in so many areas of my life. He wants ME to dance with Him. Him as the lead in our partnership. And I get it. I get the chance to step on his feet, to miss a spin, to fall and try again. And as we "dance" I learn more and more about how He moves and what to expect as He leads me to new places of trust. The protagonist in the movie (which I think everyone MUST see if you haven't already) says the all important line: "I just want to dance our steps."

And, it hit me, again, but in a new way. The dance I do with Jesus is ours and ours alone. The more we dance, the more I love dancing with Him. The more we dance the steps He has planned, the more I relax and enjoy it. It's when I think I'm not worthy of the dance, or when I try to dance my own way and strive against His lead that I end up clumsy, ungraceful and disappointed.

This movie could have been about anything, but I love that it is about dancing (since it's something I have always loved), and that it is a great reminder that the God of the universe is "playing our song" and inviting me to the dance.
And, clumsily, hesitantly at times, and certainly longingly I say, "yes, I'd love to...."


papasmurf said...

I've seen this movie a bunch of times very good - I even owned the sound track once upon a time.

Lilly said...

Wow, Mark, go figure. I send some kind of quirky thing and you actually respond. =)
Glad to hear the girls are doing well. Hug them for me and tell them I love them. Get them to hug you and tell you you're full of it - still. =)

and, psmurf, we are two for two on the movie thing this week, though I'm always decades too late on just about everything in my life... I should get used to that fact eventually...what's your favorite scene in this one?

papasmurf said...

I like when they're dancing at the spanish girl's parents place - I forget her name.

Lilly said...

Her name is Fran... Francesca. And, I'd have to agree that it's the best scene in the whole movie. There are others that fit perfectly for what I'm going to be talking about at the retreat, but that part is the essence of the film...