... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Love Actually

I just finished watching "Love Actually," - for at least the third time. While I thought I remembered lots of this movie, I decided to watch again just to see if there was a clip of it I could use for the retreat at which I'm speaking. It's rated R. On purpose. There were so many potential moments, but they all included some language or inuendo or action that would ensure my never being invited back. So it's a no- go for this movie at the retreat. No matter. I was home alone for the first time in many weeks; I actually sat down and watched a whole movie; I laughed out loud; I cried, and I ate dark chocolate covered raisins... happy as a pig in slop.
And I was reminded that "love actually" is... just is...layer upon layer, story within story... it is.
Nate, again, thanks for the recommendation so many, many months ago to watch this movie. I did then, and completely enjoyed it all over again.
My brain is full of all the things I "could" write about, but I'm going to pull a Mary and "ponder some things in my heart."
See the movie; you'll come away thinking too....


papasmurf said...

I have this movie a number of times as well and enjoyed it every time. While it is not for a general audience there is much to take away from it.

Lilly said...

Well said, psmurf. Not all of this film is "safe" to be sure. Two of the story strands always stand out as my favorites. You can dare to guess, or not. =)
Still, a "meaningful" film in the truest sense of the word.

papasmurf said...

well one would be the writer guy and the portugese girl - I might have to watch it again for the second choice. I really like the scenes at the airport at the end for some reason - during the credits.

Nate said...

One of my favorites that I have *ahem* NEVER seen....

Lilly said...

psmurf, I'm curious as to why you chose the writer/portugese girl as one of my favorite story lines in the film...

papasmurf said...

Second chances, true love, taking chances - stuff that would appeal to your romantic nature.

Am I close? About the story strand choice I mean...

Lilly said...

Hmm... I had to think on this for awhile... It wasn't the first one I thought of when I considered my favorites, but I do love the simpicity with which they find and learn, and ultimately choose, to love each other... and I love how she waited and continued to become who she was (and even more beautiful in my opinion) "just in cases" he showed up for her...smart woman. So, for those reasons, you are close enough. The montage at the end IS great, but I always end up a bit confused as to where they all went that we don't know about, other than wisconsin boy.
Romantic nature?? busted. damn.

papasmurf said...

Heathrow airport - people come from everywhere and anywhere - which is the point I suppose.

Lilly said...

The random shots of people coming and going don't bother me at all; in fact, I love that part... watching people who love each other say hello in the myriad of ways they do that... it's the characters who have all seemed to travel over the holidays with no lead-in to their leaving, in particular the business guy who was seduced by his admin asst. Where the hell did he go...?

papasmurf said...

So what were your favourite strands of the movie?

Enquiring minds want to know.

Me too.

Lilly said...

One of my two favorites is the strand of the young "stunt double" couple...they show the contrast of sex versus relationship. The irony of it is beautifully done in the film.
The other (other than really rethinking the author/portugese girl) is the prime minister's sister and her husband. It's one that sticks in my brain because I "get it" about the emotions of the characters. When you watch it again, share your favorites too. =)