... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Monday, September 11, 2006

for the record

satan sucks. ... and I give up. enough said. The rest will just piss everyone off anyway. Besides, I apparently still have two left feet, I am way too clumsy, and don't look so hot on the dance floor... I already knew this... and so, wallflower I remain....
thankful that Jesus isn't embarrassed to dance with me...


Lilly said...

umm. hmm. it's a little "deeper" than that. but I wish it weren't.

and... smudge - well, is smudge. Stepping on him would like tripping over a mountain goat. I think he found out that I think Sharky the Wondercat (a remote and elusive feline) is my actual favorite.

Lilly said...

yep. and I am truly aware of that. A friend mentioned the other day the flip side... following in His footsteps is worth it,but His sure weren't easy... I get that.
And, I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that you do too...