... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Loose, pocket, chump. However you word it, that's not the kind of change I mean. I mean the other kind. The verb which functions as a noun. Someone at school asked me the other day if I was staying to teach 5th grade next year. My response: "As far as I know." Sometimes that doesn't seem to be very far, though. Why can't I tell her, "Absolutely." or "Of course."? Maybe part of me doesn't like the box that requires. Actually, I'm very sure I don't like the box.

While my plan is to stay put while my son finishes 8th grade at the school where I teach and my daughter starts high school at a new school(and yippee for her!), that doesn't mean my plan is God's plan. Jeremiah 29:11-13 are my favorite verses (yes, all scripture is important and valuable, but these speak to the journey of my heart over and over again).

This happens to me though. I am learning I long for change, adventure,if you will. If I analyze it long enough, or too long, I could deduce that maybe it's because I moved every few years growing up and I just get restless.
Or, some may say that I feel "unsettled in my spirit" if I'm not willing to just stay put and be happy. They are also the ones who only laugh at me when I've said I've rearranged the furniture again. I'm not referring to relational change. I'm a lifer in that realm.
The thing is: I am content. That is more about choice than it is circumstance.
And to point out, the word "anal" is in the word analyze.

Perhaps the tricky part is learning to wait for, instead of forcing, change. I don't mean sit back and do nothing because life will unfold as it will; I mean truly wait... rest... be....

Life change is inevitable. My dad knows this well. So do I, for that matter. Pocket change is rare- there is a Starbuck's down the road.
Am I willing to wait for change? As far as I know....

1 comment:

E.A.Saraby said...

Surfing blogs and found yours... enjoyed this entry muchly. Will read more. :-)