... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The power of time

One year ago today, a couple with 5 children, 2 years to 6th grade, literally watched 4 of the 5 perish in a fire that consumed their mobile home - the one in which they were staying until their new home was completed (within a month). All 4 children were students at the school where I teach and the 6th grader was a classmate and friend of my son's. While I have always believed in the sovereignty of God, and know that He has a plan, I have to admit on this day last year, I did kind of cross my arms and stomp my foot and get a little pissed. More than a little.
Even though I wasn't a classroom teacher last year, I was on the campus often, and on this particular morning, I chose to walk my son to his room, knowing the news that would be shared by a principal who knows every child by name. I understood deeply the power of one minute when I watched a room full of 12 year olds sit in stunned silence as one by one they began to weep. The memory of watching the teacher struggling to grieve herself and yet allow the collective grief of a group of children literally caused my heart to ache in my chest. And as much as I felt that physically, I cannot even imagine the pain of the parents of these children.
If I felt angry and disappointed with God, I can only begin to wonder what thoughts filled their heads and which emotions nagged at their hearts. I understood the power of one day, when standing at the visitation and seeing two caskets that held 4 children, my son could still barely speak about how he felt. And yet, our grief was nothing compared to the day faced by that family. So, the little man in my world decided to write.

We miss you.
I miss you.

We all care in our hearts.
It is awful.

But, yet, it is joyful.

It brings me hurt
And those close to you.

Oh how we will miss you.

And the power of a few minutes yields the words of a little boy who loved his friend. And the power of those words held the crux of the issue.
My son, having lost his paternal grandpa at the end of January and then his friend in early April, understood the power of time. For him to understand that for these children, this is "joyful" means he knows they were ushered into the presence of the Jesus who has loved them for eternity.

When a very dear "grandpa" type person in my children's lives died suddenly in mid-June last year, I was yet again reminded of the power of time. The time to say goodbye. Not everyone is given it, but to those who are it is a gift that becomes an incredible privilege.

Today, though, I understand the power of time, yet again. It was the day to put on the memorial bracelet and remember. Time to thank the God whose heart I long to know for the gift of my own children and the privilege of watching them grow; time to rejoice with this family who now awaits the arrival of a sibling for their remaining daughter; time for making sure I uncross my arms and step more lightly, knowing that the real power of time is in the perspective it eventually brings.

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