... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Sunday, October 22, 2006


My family came over to help me work on some projects around the house... at one point my brother said (and yes, out loud) that if I had a boyfriend he wouldn't have to be over here helping. Since was the ONLY time I have ever asked for help from the fam, what is UP WITH THAT????

I did laugh out loud though. Told him not to hold his breath and be thankful that we were almost finished.

This made me wonder if my family wishes I had a boyfriend... or wonders why I don't.
No matter. Life is good in my world. If God so ordains to bring someone into it, yay for them: the garage will already be organized, the ladders hung on the fence, and the bistro room valances finished. Oh, and the pot rack has been up for a long time now (thanks to a non -boyfriend soulmate of mine).


Unknown said...

LOL!!! I love the way you think. I hope Home Depot was an awesome trip for ya today. :) Love ya!!

Lilly said...

Hmm... thank you. =)
Home Depot was great. Someone who works for them at another store was actually shopping and I must have looked pathetic b/c he helped me find the kind of liquid nails I needed. It was a random act of kindness for which I was grateful.
And then....I went home and drilled some holes and fixed my floor. Love you too, laffy.

eireanlass said...

Boyfriends come and boyfriends go...brothers are for life....I'm glad I have good ones and that they never balk when I need help...which these days has been fairly frequentl! Maybe I should be careful not to wear out their good will or they might start asking the same question! :)