... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Monday, October 16, 2006


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I figured out how to get one of these things; now can someone help me figure out how to load it properly?


Doug said...

LOL - Gee, I wonder who you mean ???!!!

eireanlass said...

The code needs to be inserted into the template code. Go to the template tab in your configuration settings. If you want to insert it under your profile, you'll probably find code like this (each line has <> brackets but they won't publish here):

!-- End #profile --


Copy and paste the map code under it. You can preview without saving the code and also undo, so do this until you've got it where you want it and then save. Be aware that if you change your template you'll have to repeat the process.
Hope that helps.

Lilly said...

wow, rider. some help... lol.
Thank you, eireanlass; that was kind of you. I have clicked on your blog as well, since we both post to the same one.

I do appreciate the assistance. Except now, the red dot is big over the southwest because I kept moving the map in the template. I'm truly not that popular. =)

eireanlass said...

no worries...happy to help! I've read your blog for a long time!

Lilly said...

welcome to my world, then eireanlass. =) You are more than welcome to read and respond as you like.
I have enjoyed yours as well. I appreciate your candor. Blog on! Safe journey too...

Unknown said...

I don't get it. :)

gg said...

what laffy said. :)