... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Past Lives

My new friend, Josh, made me laugh today. Hard. It all started at a baseball game on Friday night, which lasted a really long time I might add, so something had to amuse me...

There we sit, Josh one row and directly behind me, chatting away with the person sitting next to him about how much he doesn't like baseball. It gets better. I promise. He then goes on to say if someone were to throw a ball out on the field for him though, he'd chase it for hours (he meant a soccer ball). I, very carefully, and quietly, turned around and just looked at him for a minute and said, "I'm thinking maybe you were a dog in another life." What made it so funny was he tilted his head just like my retriever does when I make her think.

Of course I don't believe in past lives (one is plenty, thank you very much, and I'm so looking forward to the eternal one), but it just fit the situation sooooo very well. We laughed and moved on.

Later though, he made a bet with someone and shook on it. I, again, turned around, and after a moment said, "wow. you were a very well trained dog in your past life then, knowing how to shake and all...."

The best part happened late in the day today. After a nice round of email banter from his office to my classroom, I laughed harder than I had since earlier in the morning when I had yet another email banter (pre kids in the room...) about the proper salutation for a certain gentleman.

I finally explained to Josh that I don't really believe in luck or karma, nor past lives, but knowing him was causing some doubt in my iron- clad thought process. His response: "Well, you sure made it much easier to understand why I like to pee outside."

He is such a man. A funny one, I might add, and has the makings of a great friend. I will forgive him this once the dare of doing a cartwheel outside the ballpark at midnight with a thousand people watching.
Hey, it was dare. What's a girl to do? Sure as heck wasn't going to pee outside....


papasmurf said...

Baseball is indeed a dreadful game.

Mailman said...

definitely much wiser to choose cartwheels over peeing outside...along with choosing silence, that is. :)

Lilly said...

I have been choosing much silence, and will likely continue to choose more... =)
But, I have to say I do love doing a really good cartwheel. No, I don't care that I am nearing 45...
Yes, I am glad I could actually still do a cartwheel - and land it perfectly straight I might add - and sheesh flashy... I'm almost twice your age. You won't break anything. Go for it. I dare ya. lol

And papasmurf, I agree, but let's not tell my friends laffy and knitwitty. Our little secret.

Unknown said...

ACK!!! I saw that!!! Baseball is FAR from a dreadful game. Just enjoying the atmosphere is a good time! papasmurf needs to read my blog on baseball... :)

I'm with Flashy on the breaking things while attempting a cartwheel. However, I've never been able to do them, so I don't have that advantage.