... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Monday, August 14, 2006

A New Convert

Well, it's a good day. One of my students announced this morning that only after 8 days of school, she loves math for the first time ever. Man, I love this job. But, what she said about the conversion made my brain take a pause. Interesting concept for some of you that my brain would slow down at all, I know, but I do tend to think about things for awhile (not brood, just ponder...). Her reason for loving math now: I make it make sense. I don't expect her to get it just because I taught it once.

As some of you know, and others are finding out, my passion is to build relationships. More specifically, it is to build relationships with seeking women - to meet them in their world, as it were; to walk the journey of everyday life with them and pray for the opportunity to share the love of Christ and His life-changing, incredible grace.

So... I was thinking.... I wonder how often we build a relationship, expecting people to "get it" the first time. I certainly wouldn't be considered a very good teacher if I expected my students to just understand it because I taught it, or because I "said so." I want them to question, probe, explore, and find meaning in what is taught. The same is true for my relationships with women: I want them to question, probe, explore and find meaning in a relationship with Christ.

I want to be teacher and teachable, confidante and cheerleader, both in the classroom and in the rest of my world. Yay for the little girl willing to take a risk on math again, and yay for the women in my world willing to take risks to walk the journey with Jesus.

It's a good day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are one of the most incredible encouragers I have ever known. I love having conversation with you because you say it in a way that make me "get it." :) I love you (and your ponderings...)