... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My brain is full

Emotional Realm Note #349: analyze why the number 349 was chosen.

Emotional Realm Note #350: say thanks to the friend who has faithfully listened to me whine for the last week about my other emotional realm notes 1-348. It has to be at least that...

Emotional Realm Note #351: buy ice cream. it will fix things.

Emotional Realm Note #352: some people really do want to know how you are. Some of them I actually know. Lucky me. Truly.

Emotional Realm Note #353: use post its and forget the numbering system; it adds details,which equals stress for my spontaneous mind.

Emotional Realm Note #354: enough already.


marybeth said...

oh, dear...running on overload...how well i understand that! don't worry, sweetie, these things ALWAYS pass...

until then, may the peace that passes understanding be yours!


Lilly said...

actually sail, not so much overload as just a comment on my brain function. lol

...but, for sure, the "peace that passes understanding part" I certainly need at the moment.

Miss you!

Doug said...

I hardly think that your brain is full...I;m quite sure that you could number well into the 400's :)