... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I am loved...

Tis a very good thing. Today was not the best of days for my physical/emotional world. I hate prednisone: I get weepy when I don't mean to, or even need to; but without it, I feel exhausted and I won't even spell out what happens to the rest of me.
I tried not to whine, truly, but there are just days when I can't keep up like I need to. I'm a fairly private sort when it comes to my personal life, but today I took a risk during lunch and even emailed a few friends to let them know I was in need of a hug (as if they could do anything about it), though (admittedly) my mind drifted to margaritas as well.
My girlfriends emailed sweet sentiments in the form of e-cards and cyber hugs(thanks to you all...)
This is what my guy friends did:
My friends Karl and Gayle made this great little typed maragarita glass with a hug in it... a hug-arita they called "very refreshing"

And then there's Nathan.... good old reliable Nathan - no wait, that's "Guys and Dolls".... not sure about the good or the old, but he is reliable, mostly.
Here is his contribution to my day:
"Hey there,
I talked to Max and he is bringing tons of Magic Limeade and his friend Jose over to the house after school. It might not make the problems go away, but it will certainly make you not care that they exist. Sorry you're having a rough one. I'm praying for you. And for Max. And for the two of you. And for world peace.

How did he know my favorite movie is "Miss Congeniality?" lol...

Here's the bottom line: he knows I won't drink away my problems. His theory is it would take too long. This thinking is why he and I are such good friends, but I won't get into that here....

What I will say is this: Jose did not show up. There was no magic limeade and Max is invisible, well not really, but some days it would be good if he were...
But.... Nathan called a little while ago just to see how I am as the day has worn on and I've worn out. And he prayed for and with me on the phone, and he encouraged me with the great things God is doing in his world, and mine. And I cried, thankful and incredibly grateful for this friend who knows my heart, and for all the friends I choose to trust with the journey I find myself walking. I am a very blessed woman.
Now... about Jose....


Unknown said...

I love this. Not that you had a rough day or even the fact that Jose didn't show up (darn him anyway...). I love the fact that there are people in our lives who are always willing to call us at that given moment, who know just what we need.

Sorry I didn't send Jose... I should have known better. :)

Mailman said...

praying that your today is better than your yesterday and full of the presence of the Lord!