... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

does anyone know why?....

that when I try to upload a photo to the posting, it says it's uploaded but never shows up on the post? I'm seeing way too many words and not enough pictures. Wow. Sounds like I need some picture books for awhile. =) Any input would be greatly appreciated, since I'm getting annoyed a little. Might as well take care of it while I'm only annoyed a little....


Monique said...

One reason, my pic annoyed friend, could be that the photo is too large. Or it is not in a JPEG or GIF format. Or if the photo is from a URL and is protected then it also won't post. Hope this helps somewhat :)

Lilly said...

well, flash. looks like I got it figured out. Fort Knox wouldn't let the pictures in either. =)