... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The time has come...

My son, who spent the entire week minus Friday in bed, had a life changing event on Friday evening. It was the first day back at school after three days of sleeping, one evening in the ER and one day of being crabby on his way back into the public realm. And, he was invited to attend a college softball game with our school girls' team. Last minute, end of the day, on the way to the car kind of invitation. I let him go... there were, after all, two other guys going and a male teacher,in addition to a van load of giggling girls and their coach. He had a blast. Came in the door smiling from ear to ear, his life forever changed: he had gotten the phone number of a girl...and not one from our school. A cute little 8th grader from all the way across the city. All the details of this meeting and exchange are being held in secrecy amongst a group of 8th graders. I'm not even going to try to figure it out....

One of the things I love about my son is that he is charming, and he is wise - he didn't give her our number because he said he doesn't want her calling here all the time (now THAT is hopeful... LOL).

When I got to thinking about it, I realized that this is a great opportunity to teach him how to treat a woman, however young she is. I think Nate is getting ready to be put on speed dial for whole new reasons.

My boy is becoming a man. It's time, and I'm ok with it, actually enjoying this part of the journey. God is good.


eireanlass said...

My son, at age 11, asked me when he could start dating. I didn't want to tie it to a specific age, but rather to a maturity level, so I told him when he could transport the young lady, meet her parents, learn their expectations and get her home by curfew (probably a foreign concept to some!), then he'd be ready. He related this to my Dad, who said he'd probably be about 21 before he could do all this, to which the young man countered, "Papa, the girls can't wait that long!"

Lilly said...

Oh man, I laughed out loud!! I love it.
And, I'm in agreement with your dating guidelines. I've had the same conversation with the little man at my house, more than once.

You and I have much in common...

eireanlass said...

The Young Man can stick his thumbs in his pockets, tilt his head, and give this little half grin that no girl will be able to resist! Fortunately, he has not quite discovered the power of his winsomeness...and he also goes to an all-boys school so exposure to the fairer sex is limited! But that is not to say that they have gone un-noticed...

Unknown said...

I have yet to meet this fabulous little man of yours, but I am cracking up at the part where he didn't want her calling the house all the time. What a guy! Love you.

flashypsw said...

that's hilarious, that your thirteen year old son is already getting girl's phone numbers. Think he can give me some tips?

Lilly said...

eireanlass...it's an interesting season in a mother's life, isn't it?...

laff...he is nothing if not practical. He did try to call, but she wasn't home. After a really busy week, I'm wondering if he will try again... =)

Flash... sweetie... I'm not sure you want girls giving you their numbers... just sayin.

Unknown said...

kshie - I'm sure he's also determined. Give him time. :) :)

flash - I must say I agree with kshie... just sayin.

eireanlass said...

It is a very interesting season. Perhaps because I am a single mother, there is this desperate longing in my heart that he will know how to properly treat a young lady. I am so thankful for the positive male role models that the Young Man has and he treats me very well so perhaps I worry unnecessarily. I have the same concerns about the Diva, primarily because I don't want her to settle merely for male attention, the wrong kind, when she could have the "real thing".

Anyway, did your little man call her back...and get an answer? As the Blue Man would say, inquiring minds want to know...

Lilly said...

I SO hear your heart on this... I have a daughter and a son, my heart longs for the same things as yours - it does cause me to seek after God more diligently for so many reasons.

And, yes, he did call her. He tried once and there was no answer. He tried a few days later to have her announce that she's found someone closer (geographically - which means the guy goes to the same school and doesn't live in a different area code even though it's the same really big city. lol). He said they talked for about 10 minutes and that was that.

I told him that even though she "found someone else," I was most proud of him for being true to his word. He said he was going to call her, and he did. I also mentioned that being a man of his word will go a long way in a relationship someday. I couldn't help myself but to throw that in there. And, then, I chose silence. Sometimes it's best to do that too...

Thank you for asking. =)
He's officially in high school now, and a girl called this week. It was another teachable moment. My tongue is a bit sore from biting it to not say all I was thinking. ;)

eireanlass said...

Last year on Super Bowl weekend a girl called for the Young Man but she had the misfortune to get his mother! I quizzed her as to the purpose of her call, how she knew the Young Man and then told her that while we didn't encourage young ladies to be calling him, I would let him know that she had called and if he wanted to talk to her, he would call her back.

Next step was to tell him that she had called and that he could call her back but to be aware that girls thought that boys like to talk on the phone the same way they do. He response was a giggle followed by the comment, "Well, that's stupid!" Ultimately, he didn't call her.

The funny part was that the next night he went to a Super Bowl party with a group of kids from school. When he arrived he was greeted with "Hey, we hear your Mom is really protective!"