... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Monday, April 23, 2007


We're working on poetry in writing. We started with rhyming couplets today and here are some of the poems we wrote together (me and three classes of 5th graders). We also wrote about Dr. Brown, who is my doctor who graciously came to speak to my class last week. But, I won't publish what we said about him. I still need a good doctor. =)


Green and slimy, short and bald
This is what ET is called.
Wounded finger, homesick being
Bike riding wonder: is this what I'm seeing?

What To Write

I could write about the skies
Or I could write about my eyes.

I could write about my summer
Or I could write about my hummer.

I could write about my nose
Or I could write about my toes.

I could write about my sheep
But, really, I would rather sleep.


Strange new buggies, floating wild
Something's happening to this child

Lovestruck, and scary guys
I really can't believe my eyes.

I almost think I've got it made,
Cooties aren't real til 7th grade.

Teacher's Thoughts

All in all it's not a bad start
These poems all came from deep in their hearts.

Or not so much. It's hard to tell.
I may never know, and it's just as well.


eireanlass said...

"What to Write" sounds like somebody had alot of Dr. Seuss read to them! Certainly much more light-hearted than the poem my son wrote in grade seven about how he was no longer naive!

Lilly said...

Lots of language play in our classroom these days... tis a very good thing... and while I wish they were still naive, I am under no illusion, though, thankfully, their poetry is still playful and sweet.

It does sound Seussical, doesn't it?

eireanlass said...

Yes, well, considering the world we live in, it is no wonder that naivite is something relegated to either the very young or the pure in heart. However, what I love about your grades is that they still have that wide-eyed wonder for the world! Not naive...but not yet jaded, either.

So, how did you come by Lilly as your screen name?

Lilly said...

5th grade seems to me still, after several years of teaching it, the magical age to teach - for the very reasons you state.

As for "Lilly," when I met my friend Nate and he told me something about myself that very few people would ever even figure out, I was a little surprised. I mentioned that and he said, (a line from a movie, apparently) "Well, I know things about people, Lilly." So, I am Lilly.

What about yours? I've always loved it and wondered about from whence it came.

eireanlass said...
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eireanlass said...

It indicates the land of my birth but is also a bit of a play on words. The Celts, my ancestors, originated in Central Europe and were considered Aryan because of their fair skin and blue eyes. I am very Celtic in temperament but very Canadian in allegience!

eireanlass said...

The line is from "In the Line of Fire" and is "Well, I know things about pigeons, Lilly".

You don't seem like a pigeon...