... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Monday, February 26, 2007


... doctors, more bloodwork... but I made a doctor laugh today, more than once. More than one doctor, too. Some days are like that.

The great part of it all was that because Not so Little Man Anymore needed some bloodwork and a couple of knee xrays (and wow, I know why he's complaining so much now...), we got to spend the day together, talking, laughing, sharing the journey.

I loved today.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


We're making some. Lots actually. Some more painful than others... like the one where a friend hurt my feelings, apologized and then just decided I didn't need his friendship (makes it easier for him, I guess) and bailed... like the one where the kids get off the phone with their dad and take three days to have a conversation without snapping, yelling or crying - just enough time to regroup before he calls again... like the friend who made a promise to not "disappear" from my life,again, and did anyway because I can't be something I'm not...like coming home after many hours of working, then fixing dinner, then helping a struggling student with 2 or more hours of homework, every day...like the myriad of doctors' appointments that seem to never end, and are rarely productive...like the tears I finally find time for when the house is quiet and stoicism exhausted.

adjustments... we'll make them, and we'll keep pressing on, grateful that our lives are incredibly blessed with the reminder that God has a plan for this little family of mine and that there are people who truly love us and tell us so; that regardless of the notion some have that it is somehow "less blessed" or "more messy" than someone else's, it is the life God is using to refine us, teach us, love us... and show us that the adjustments are new opportunities to trust His grace and incredible love toward us.