... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How sweet it is....

Yesterday was harried. Very. And I was tired by the time I finally got home after 9. The kids helped my mom with her whole trick or treating thing and I visited with my dad and graded a stack of papers. Both very good things to do. On the way home, the kids popped into their dad's to raid his stash of Smarties (a Canadian thing), during which time he told me that, yet again, even though he had committed to keeping the kids while I was away for work, that he's going to Canada instead. grrr. enough said.

So... by the time I got to bed and didn't sleep well, and had a 7:30 meeting this morning... I truly was ready to go home for a nap. Then the bell rang. I went outside to meet my students and as they came in, more than half of them handed me candy from their collection from last night. I have a variety of candy bars, tootsie rolls (my favorite), and even a full size snickers. The fact that I do not need to be eating all of this candy is totally beside the point. The fact that they shared it with me IS the point.

Then, a three line email from a friend, just saying hello and that I am loved came next. What a lovely way to undo the ick of tired and frustration.

How sweet it is...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...to be loved by you!! :) and *I* love you!! :) Have a wonderful rest of the week.