... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Do You Hear What I Hear?

I was listening to Il Divo today. Some of their stuff I don't really like all that much, but there are about 6 songs that I can listen to over and over (and three that I do...). By the time I'd heard my second favorite recording of theirs for the 5th time today, I was certain had anyone else been in the car, I wouldn't have been quite so.... something...enjoyed, maybe...
As I listened, I realized something about myself that I used to know but had forgotten: I drink in sound. Maybe it was because I had just spent a couple of hours,or three, at the mall with my mom where it was noisy and busy and all the things I don't enjoy much. All that "sound" irritated my soul after awhile. Il Divo, on these 5 or 6 pieces, doesn't irritate my soul at all. In fact, the music quenches the sound thirst I have. Rich harmony, layered instruments, little surprises.... I love that. A lot. There is someone I know who doesn't drink in sound like I do (not a bad thing at all), and has never quite understood when I say things like "Oh man! Can you hear that bassoon? What a great line," or, "I love how they have the flute layered in the middle of the chord." It's not that I'm a music snob; in fact, I'm less trained than most circus dogs. In music. Thankfully, those who do not "hear what I hear" love me enough to smile and nod and realize that I have my own drummer anyway... could be why I asked the question to begin with.

1 comment:

Lilly said...

hmm. doubt it, since they're boys. =) But...thank you.