... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Oh Good Grief

My apologies to those of you who think I blog regularly. It is time to get over it...
I do wish I would have recorded some of my random thoughts over the last couple of months and maybe someday I'll actually just string them all together to see if anyone can make sense of them.
For now, I'm just touching base with the literary form of myself and making the effort to get reacquainted. There is much to tell, actually. I am the parent of two teenagers as of July 1, with one of them going to high school. This, I have decided, is impossible due to a variety of factors. Those of you for whom posting a response is a "given" may explore the factors. =)
Being the mother of two teenage personalities (not in the same body, though some could argue that is the case some days) , I decided to put them in the back seat of the car and make them see America. Well, part of Canada too, but that's a given of our summers. May I just say: I love adventures and I'm very grateful for the opportunity for this one. More to come on this I'm sure. We have seen some wonderful things and had some "interesting" moments. But, God is faithful and good and I still like my children. Jury is still out on the reciprocal.
Tis a good thing to think through my fingers. I should do this more often.
But, it's still time to get over it...

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