... life is made of. A collection of ideas, ramblings, musings, and the periodic deep thought. A place to explore the stuff...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The time has come...

My son, who spent the entire week minus Friday in bed, had a life changing event on Friday evening. It was the first day back at school after three days of sleeping, one evening in the ER and one day of being crabby on his way back into the public realm. And, he was invited to attend a college softball game with our school girls' team. Last minute, end of the day, on the way to the car kind of invitation. I let him go... there were, after all, two other guys going and a male teacher,in addition to a van load of giggling girls and their coach. He had a blast. Came in the door smiling from ear to ear, his life forever changed: he had gotten the phone number of a girl...and not one from our school. A cute little 8th grader from all the way across the city. All the details of this meeting and exchange are being held in secrecy amongst a group of 8th graders. I'm not even going to try to figure it out....

One of the things I love about my son is that he is charming, and he is wise - he didn't give her our number because he said he doesn't want her calling here all the time (now THAT is hopeful... LOL).

When I got to thinking about it, I realized that this is a great opportunity to teach him how to treat a woman, however young she is. I think Nate is getting ready to be put on speed dial for whole new reasons.

My boy is becoming a man. It's time, and I'm ok with it, actually enjoying this part of the journey. God is good.